If you’ve avoided computer programming like the plague, it may be time to consider why. On its surface, coding seems super complicated. And we’re not going to lie…it can be. But many who are afraid to jump into that pool are reticent because of some long standing impressions about what goes into programming. And sometimes, those long standing impressions just aren’t correct. Like those who saw binary ones and zeroes years ago and still back away from learning to code to this day because they aren’t good with numbers. Well, studies now confirm that math isn’t what makes a good programmer — it’s actually those with well developed language skills that thrive best as a coder. Now that you arithmophobics are out of excuses, think about the career advantages of learning to code with training like The 2020 Comprehensive Programming Collection. Right now, it’s over 90 percent off its regular price, just $29.99 from TNW Deals. Your introduction starts learning JavaScript, probably the core programming language of the web, in The Complete Beginner’s JavaScript Course. Armed with that knowledge, you can actually start conceiving and creating apps of your own. Training in iOS App Development for Beginners and Intro to Java for Android Development will get you familiar with creating within two of the most prominent web development environments around, Android Studio and Swift. Then you can add cool extras like advanced interactive features from training in Discover React for Web Applications. Finally, you can bring all those skills to bear of a challenging augmented reality app putting virtual furniture in real world settings in the Develop an AR App for the Retail Industry course. There’s probably no more compelling gateway drug for budding programmers than gaming, so courses like Mobile Game Development for Beginners and Build a Micro-Strategy Game delve into using Unity, the world’s most popular game engine to actually understand and start building your own mobile games. From there, the training advances to probably the most mind-blowing field in 2020 development: machine learning and artificial intelligence. Even if you think stuff like that is way beyond you, don’t be so sure.   In Machine Learning for Beginners with Tensorflow and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Image Classification, you’ll learn the basics of teaching machines to think for themselves, get experience working with image recognition technology and start crafting your own programs that help a computer understand a process, spot patterns, then adapt its performance based on results. The nine-course package retails for $1,650, but you can save hundreds now by getting the complete collection for just $29.99 while this offer lasts. Prices are subject to change.