Twitter-based transaction monitor @whale_alert signaled the transfer late yesterday, when the hackers’ wallet suddenly transferred just over 30 BTC ($351,000) to a fresh, previously unused Bitcoin address.

Tx: — Whale Alert (@whale_alert) August 12, 2019 In 2016, hackers succeeded in stealing 119,756 BTC from seminal cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex. Back then, that loot amounted to just $350 million, but today it’s worth more than $1.3 billion. Pretty much all of the stolen Bitcoin had remained “missing” since then, but US law enforcement did manage to retrieve a tiny portion of the pilfered Bitcoin earlier this year (22.66 BTC, which at the time was worth $104,000). Even more curiously, $1.37 million of the stash was strangely shifted in June. At the time, Hard Fork reported that Bitfinex had denied any role in the spooky transfers, despite having hinted that these kinds of movements were possible in its UNUS SED LEO token white paper. Hard Fork has reached out to Bitfinex once more regarding this latest movement, and will update this piece should we hear back.